Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ben Carson's creationist views spark controvery over commencement speech

Ben Carson's creationist views spark controvery over commencement speech - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: Nearly 500 professors, students, and alumni of Emory University signed a letter expressing concern that Carson, as a 7th Day Adventist, believes in creationist theory that holds that all life on Earth was created by God about 6,000 years ago. It rejects Darwin’s theory of evolution, which is the central principle that animates modern biology, uniting all biological fields under one theoretical tent, and which virtually all modern scientists agree is true. The letter’s authors are not seeking to have Carson disinvited. Instead, they say it was written to raise concerns about his anti-scientific views.

'via Blog this'


  1. Academic bullying is out of control. Viewpoint discrimination and message suppression are common tactics from academic elites. If they disagree with you watch out. Princeton philosopher Robbie George just this week defended Dr. Ben from an academic mob of Emory University profs because he has excpressed some scientific criticisms of Darwin's theory, and so they don't like him giving the commencement address at Emory. There's a petition to support him that anyone who supports academic freedom should sign:
