Friday, March 2, 2012

Rick Santorum and prenatal testing: I would have saved my son from his suffering.

Rick Santorum and prenatal testing: I would have saved my son from his suffering. - Slate Magazine: "I love my son more than any person in the world and his life is of utmost value to me. I don't regret a single minute of this parenting journey, even though I wake up every morning with my heart breaking, feeling the impending dread of his imminent death. This is one set of absolute truths.

"Here's another: If I had known Ronan had Tay-Sachs (I met with two genetic counselors and had every standard prenatal test available to me, including the one for Tay-Sachs, which did not detect my rare mutation, and therefore I waived the test at my CVS procedure), I would have found out what the disease meant for my then unborn child; I would have talked to parents who are raising (and burying) children with this disease, and then I would have had an abortion."

Editor: I know a couple of professors who say it's okay to kill him now.

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