Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Loving Them

Loving Them: Eric Metaxas of Breakpoint writes, "While I believe that Christians must speak out passionately on this issue, how we speak about it is as important as the points we make. Actually, it might be more important because what’s missing in some of what I hear coming from pro-life activists is an appreciation that, apart from the grace of God, chances are we would be on the other side of the issue. There’s a tendency sometimes to demonize our enemies instead of loving them and, more to the point, showing them that we love them."

Editor: Amen! I've been wondering whatever happened to "hate the sin, love the sinner." It must apply to everyone but our president. I've cringed more over so-called Christian responses to him than over anything he's done in office. And he's done a lot that's cringe-worthy.

If President Obama does something we objectionable or harmful to Christians, ought we respond in kind? Where is the turn of the cheek? Where is the blessing for those who curse? Where is the prayer for those who spitefully use us? Where is mercy for the misguided?

'via Blog this'

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