Friday, April 15, 2011

We Have Seen All This Before: Rob Bell and the (Re)Emergence of Liberal Theology – We Have Seen All This Before: Rob Bell and the (Re)Emergence of Liberal Theology: As it turns out, theological liberalism is not only a rejection of biblical Christianity — it is a failed attempt to rescue the church from its doctrines. At the end of the day, a secular society feels no need to attend or support secularized churches with a secularized theology. The denial of hell did not win relevance for the liberal churches. It simply misled millions about their eternal destiny.

This brings us to the controversy over Rob Bell’s new book, Love Wins. As its cover announces, the book is “about heaven, hell, and the fate of every person who ever lived.” Reading the book is a heart-breaking experience. We have read this book before. Not the exact words, and never so artfully presented, but the same book, the same argument, the same attempt to rescue Christianity from the Bible.

Editor: I would quibble with Mohler's assertions that Bell is a good communicator and loves his congregation. He was probably just being nice.


  1. Ugh. Why is it that the only Biblical Christianity is one that "we" happen to believe and all "others" are secular at best and unbiblical at worst, despite using the same scripture to support and give voice to their belief?

  2. When a leader criticizes a large segment of Christianity, it's proper to hold up that criticism to scripture and see if it is valid. That leader also opens himself up to scrutiny.

    The Holy Spirit has given the gift of discernment to the Body of Christ for a reason. From the beginning of the Church, leaders have needed to discern between true and false doctrine. That need continues today.
