Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Saving babies from abortion puts them in danger of hell?

Blogger Bryan Kemper recently engaged in a vigorous debate over the value of pro-life ministry. Here's what his correspondent said:
Let us assume for a moment that eventually through what you and others like you are doing, abortion is outlawed. The murders have stopped and every abortion mill in the world is shutdown. And then what? What have you accomplished? You have allowed babies that would otherwise die to be born. Great! And…? What happens now? 
What you have accomplished is only momentary. It will only last so long as this world lasts. And that is not a very long time in the scope of eternity. If all you do is save babies from being aborted, than you have accomplished nothing. In fact, I would go so far as to say you may make it even worse for them. If those children are killed within the womb, they will be welcomed with open arms into Heaven. If they are born, there is the chance that they will reject God their entire life and die and go to hell. Kind of sobering when you put it in that light. 
You see, Bryan, I see now that all you and many other pro-life ministries are doing is trying to make a better world for people to go to hell from. Saving unborn children will accomplish nothing if that is all you do. That is what I am trying to get you to understand. Your goals need to become more eternity minded or nothing you do will matter for anything.
Bryan did a good job defending pro-life ministry. It's disheartening, however, to think this is an argument we're up against. I have heard it myself, in Baptist circles. 

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