Friday, April 29, 2011

One Step Closer to Designer Babies

One Step Closer to Designer Babies: A new approach to testing the genes of early-stage fetuses could radically alter the experience of pregnancy and parenting. And we’d better start thinking about it now—before hype, fear, and the polarized politics of abortion distort the discussion.

The technique being developed analyzes fetal DNA that is collected from women’s blood as early as five weeks into a pregnancy. So-called “noninvasive prenatal diagnosis,” or NIPD, may hit the market as a test for Down syndrome later this year. Soon after, refinements are likely that will allow identification of fetal genes at thousands of sites.

Because NIPD would be less invasive, less risky, and less expensive than the kinds of fetal gene tests now available, and because it relies on a simple blood draw so early in pregnancy, it is poised to become a prenatal game changer.

Editor: Let me just say, the "refinements" are not talking about the tweaking of fetal genes in the womb. We're not talking about making babies better, but about aborting those who fail to make the grade. So the author is fooling herself that "thinking about it now" will allay the "hype, fear, and polarized politics of abortion." Abortion is at the very heart and soul of the discussion.

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