Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday feature: Pregnancy care ministry in Papua New Guinea

Lori Smith is a missionary nurse in the mountains of Papua New Guinea. She runs a clinic that sees many people every day -- people who've let an illness go on too long, victims of violence. People who can't make it to the hospital in town, or have been turned away from there. Each one hears about Jesus.

Many patients are pregnant women. A few years ago, Life Matters helped Lori get a used ultrasound machine to help them see and bond with their unborn babies. It's a wonderful tool for life. Many have turned from their abortion plans as a result. Here's a report from this week's newsletter:
Four moms . . . came to our clinic seeking abortions. Sharing God’s Word with them, praying with them, and encouraging rather than chastising them for their request made a huge impact on their decisions . . . all have chosen life for their babies. One is just weeks away now from delivery. It will be a choice she will be thankful about for the rest of her life.
Lori and her husband Bill, who teaches at and administrates Goroka Baptist Bible College, have also turned their home into a haven for premature or abandoned babies. Village women help nurture the premies until they're able to go home and the abandoned ones until adoptive homes are found.

I wish everyone read Lori's newsletters. They're jam packed with stories about moms and babies, about patients tended to in the clinic, about churches begun because Christians cared for a newborn belonging to that tribe. Life in PNG is hectic, often frantic, and sometimes frightening with physical and spiritual warfare going on all around. Please pray for Bill and Lori and their family.

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