Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Window Into Barack Obama’s Theology

FRC Blog � A Window Into Barack Obama’s Theology: During the presidential campaign, then-Sen. Barack Obama famously told Pastor Rick Warren that determining when human personhood began was “above my paygrade.” A professing Christian, he could not bring himself to concur with the plain teaching of the Bible that human life in all its biological fullness begins at conception.

An educated man, he could not sufficiently evaluate the clear scientific evidence that with the entire DNA any person ever possesses present within the embryo from conception onward, personhood starts at conception.

A father, he could not affirm that his precious daughters deserved legal protection in their mother’s womb, from conception until birth.

Since then, his income must have dramatically changed, as he has initiated a nationwide health care mandate that funds and subsidizes abortion-on-demand, exported abortion overseas through American funding thereof, and even sought to have taxpayers subsidize abortion on our military bases. As President of the United States, Barack Obama has been a deliberate, systematic evangelist of the culture of death.

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