Friday, October 8, 2010

America's Stem Cell Mess

Americas Stem Cell Mess - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences: German law prohibits destroying human embryos but permits research on some imported ESCs. The result is that Germany essentially outsources the activity it finds morally objectionable—no German embryos were harmed in the making of this science.

A much better way to go about all of this is to be up front and honest about what the United States will and will not fund with taxpayer money. Under the kinds of laws and policies in place in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Canada, and Australia, among others, the rules for research involving embryos are clearly spelled out. For example, Canada limits the research to embryos left over from fertility treatment. Other nations allow a great deal—the United Kingdom and Australia both permit cloning of human embryos, but everything has to be licensed, which allows for close review and national oversight of the research. At the very least, these laws provide ESC scientists with clarity and predictability.

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