Wednesday, February 10, 2010

“Bogus Compassion” is Killing Children and Corrupting Society

The Catholic Church is suffering from one of the modern world’s most dangerous philosophical errors - that of false compassion, says Michel Schooyans, one of Europe’s leading philosophical minds. In a new essay, Schooyans writes that the corruption of compassion has created a climate in which it is anathema to condemn the killing of children by abortion and, more recently, by post-natal infanticide. It also has led, he says, to the abolition of the traditional definition of marriage; the spread of AIDS through the “safe sex” doctrine; and a resurgence of the deadly eugenics policies of the early 20th century.

“Pseudo-compassion,” Schooyans writes, “leads to heresy and division within the Church, because it incites the faithful to deviate from a non-negotiable element of the doctrine of the Church: the duty to respect innocent life. “Pseudo-compassion reinforces the movement towards the ‘tyranny of relativism’, observable in some pastors and/or theologians.” The news media, in accordance with the abortion industry’s propaganda, says Schooyans, invariably invoke compassion when they depict abortion as necessary for the woman, and even for the child. LifeSiteNews

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