Friday, February 26, 2010

Beauty Queen Quotes Bible

Another California beauty queen has sparked protests for quoting a Biblical injunction against homosexuality to explain her view against gay "marriage." Lauren Ashley - the "Miss Beverly Hills" contestant seeking the title of Miss California USA - told FOXnews that she based her stance against same-sex "marriage" in the words of the Bible. "The Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman," said Ashley. "In Leviticus it says, 'If man lies with mankind as he would lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death and their blood shall be upon them.' The Bible is pretty black and white. I feel like God himself created mankind and he loves everyone, and he has the best for everyone ... If he says that having sex with someone of your same gender is going to bring death upon you, that's a pretty stern warning, and he knows more than we do about life." LifeSiteNews

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