Thursday, December 8, 2011

God’s Perspective On Children: A Scriptural Reminder

. . . In Leviticus 20:1-5 any Jew and even non-Jew found sacrificing a child to the demonic god Molech was to be stoned to death along with his whole family. But there was a catch. If someone finds out about another person sacrificing their child to this god Molech and does nothing about it they will suffer the same punishment as if they had done it themselves! This is the only place in all of the Old Testament law where the moral responsibility of the sin of one man is placed on the shoulders of another man just because he knew about it and didn’t do anything to stop it.

. . . [W]hat is it about babies that makes them the ultimate example of a citizen of heaven such that if we don’t understand it ourselves we’re disqualified as citizens? Babies are voiceless, powerless, without influence or rights in this world. They of any class of human are the most vulnerable and defenseless unless someone takes responsibility for them. In fact babies in the womb are the only class of person in the United States of America who has been officially dehumanized. In 1973 the Supreme Court decided in the infamous case of Roe v Wade that pre-born children are not human, thereby stripping them of their God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So why not abortion? It is ironic that the court of supreme American justice committed the highest crime against humanity by dehumanizing the most vulnerable of citizens paving the way for legalized infanticide. And unless someone stands in the gap and takes responsibility for these babies, they will perish.

The status of powerless babies in the womb in the U.S. mirrors our condition before a holy God. We are without power, influence, and voice. Were it not for the work of Christ on the cross we would have no standing before a just God. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross we have been gifted with a voice, power and influence before God the Father and we are to wield those tools as Christ did, not for Himself but rather on behalf of others. Jim Harden

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