Thursday, March 18, 2010

Philosophical abortion essay

Just think, if scientists found an unborn child just after conception -- a "cluster of cells" -- on the planet Mars or on Antarctica, the next day world headlines would read: "Scientists Have Found Life on Mars" and our president would be making a special televised address to the nation to announce these "spectacular" findings that scientists have found life. We would then be spending billions of dollars to probe Mars in search of a little water and nutrients because they know, that with a little nourishing, life can flourish.

When those were the headlines in the summer of 1997, all that was found was the fossil of a cell on a rock believed to be from Mars -- just look at all the fuss that is made. Yet, when certain scientists find the same "glob of tissues" in a woman's womb which actually contains the full genetic code of a brand new human being, they claim they don't really know what it is or that "it's not life."

Can you imagine what the controversy and resulting punishment would be if someone were to destroy the fossil of a cell on the rock believed to be from Mars? This is a sad commentary. Rebecca Kiessling, Conceived in rape, pro-life speaker

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