Monday, July 25, 2011

Planned Parenthood and Tucker Max — Friends With Benefits

Planned Parenthood and Tucker Max — Friends With Benefits: According to his book, Tucker Max's life revolves around getting drunk and having sex with strangers. He goes into detail about how he “erases” the consequences of his conduct. Whereas his enablers in Washington employ euphemisms such “choice” and “privacy,” Max offers a more forthright description of abortion: it allows him to “kill babies.” Indeed, one chapter is labeled, “Tucker Max: Baby Killer,” and it basically consists of Max recounting instances in which he has convinced women to abort his children.

He makes clear that his reflections are in no way somber or regretful. Instead, they recall what he considers to be hilarious personal triumphs. He also harbors no illusions about life beginning at birth. In "Baby Mama Drama," he describes the way a fetus' heart beat appears on an ultrasound monitor. He is fully cognizant these children are alive and that he is literally paying to have them killed.

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