Wednesday, January 5, 2011

All the Women of the Bible: Delilah

The record of Delilah, the heartless wrecker of a mighty man, is given in eighteen verses; and the description of Samson's betrayal, fall, bondage and death is one of the most graphic in the Bible. What a contrast they present, and how symbolic they are of characters in the world today!

Samson was physically strong but morally weak. Although able to rend a lion, he could not fight his lusts. He could break his bonds, but not his habits. He could conquer Philistines but not his passions.

Delilah was a woman who used her personal charm to lure a man to his spiritual and physical destruction, and she stands out as one of the lowest, meanest women of the Bible - the female Judas of the Old Testament. Bible Gateway

Editor: Lockyer goes on to note that while Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, Delilah got 1,000.

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