Thursday, November 4, 2010

Colorado Personhood Amendment Soundly Defeated at Ballot Box

Colorado Personhood Amendment Soundly Defeated at Ballot Box: Amendment 62, a ballot initiative that would have given personhood status in the state constitution to all human beings “from the beginning of biological development,” was rejected by a 3 – 1 margin by voters.

The personhood amendment polled worse than the last time pro-life advocates in Colorado tried to get the measure passed, in 2008. That time the amendment lost with 73 percent against, and 27 percent in favor.

Editor: What does it say about the wisdom of these efforts? Is abortion now more firmly entrenched in Colorado?

1 comment:

  1. Of course not! All the defeat 'says' is that the churches need to step it up, and that Planned Parenthood had to use lies to defeat the measure. How many churches in Colorado did nothing to help protect the innocent?

    Roe vs. Wade has been legally affirmed over 200 times. Abortion is legal through all 9 months. How could abortion be 'more firmly entrenched' in Colorado? It's already a super-'right'!

    The wisdom of these efforts is in educating the public. Personhood Colorado and Amendment 62 just ran the largest pro-life educational effort in the State's history. Babies lives were saved, Praise God! 30% of Coloradoans voted to end abortion NOW, which is much higher than anyone anticipated. While changing hearts and minds and saving lives, Personhood also did not compromise on the right to life of any human being, and brought a ton of new pro-life activists into the fold who had never participated in any prolife work ever before!

    Personhood simply says that no matter how you were conceived, you have a God-given right to live. I'm excited to see what they do next time around!
