Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Steve Jobs: iPad Revolution Means ‘Freedom from Porn’

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers, says his company will not be a party to the pornography industry and hopes that the iPad and iPhone revolution will help lead to a porn-free world. When a critic questioned Apple's decision to disallow certain apps as infringing on users' freedom, Jobs responded, “Yep, freedom from programs that steal your private data. Freedom from programs that trash your battery. Freedom from porn. Yep, freedom.” He pointed out that developers who do not comply simply go elsewhere. “We’re just doing what we can to try and make (and preserve) the user experience we envision. You can disagree with us, but our motives are pure.” LifeSiteNews


  1. I am buying an Apple next. Hope Apple continues to try to stay pure.

  2. It's wonderful and sadly rare to see an executive take a stand that could cost his company profits.
