Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Embryo donation is not like adoption

Psychologically, the biological link affects how parents feel about the process. Through my interviews with embryo donation parents, I found that they viewed the donation as on a par with blood or tissue donation, rather than adoption. They were grateful to the donors for their help in conceiving but did not see them as being a continuing part of the child's life. Less clear are the attitudes of the embryo donors. BioNews


  1. I completely disagree. If you are a Christian and truly believe life starts at conception then you ARE IN FACT adopting a "life". I am currently 15 weeks pregnant with our sweet adopted embryo miracle. Both the donors and us as recipients view this as ADOPTION!

  2. Thanks for your comment. I hope you clicked the link and read the entire post. This is a reference to a study and the views presented there don't reflect the views of Baptists for Life.
