Tuesday, October 20, 2009

British scientists develop test that trebles chance of baby and removes Down's risk

British scientists have made a dramatic IVF breakthrough which could bring hope to thousands of women. They have developed an embryo screening technique which makes it far more likely a woman will give birth. The new screening tecnique, called comparative genomic hybridisation, allows doctors to remove cells from an embryo when it is a few days old. The cells are analysed to see if they are genetically normal and the best embryos are selected for implantation into the mother's womb. The technique offers particular hope to older women because they have a naturally higher chance of producing eggs with genetic defects that can block implantation or cause miscarriages. But for mothers of any age, the screening also virtually eliminates the risk of genetic conditions like Down's. Daily Mail

Editor: Mind you, they're not curing anything; they're just eliminating the "worst" embryos.

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