“We trust you to decide about your sexuality, having your children, and planning your family,” says a flier promoting the Humbolt County Clergy for Choice event. “We are religious leaders who value all human life. We accept that religions differ about when life begins. We are here to help.”
“We believe that human life is holy. That’s why we believe in your right to choose to be a parent or not,” the pro-abortion religious leaders continue. “It can be helpful to talk with friends you trust, with licensed counselors, and with whatever religious person you choose. Humboldt County Clergy are available to talk with you about the spiritual aspects of choice. Find out more by calling Six Rivers Planned Parenthood.”
“Humboldt County Clergy for Choice invite you to set aside time with your family and community to support women and reproductive justice for 40 days from March 18th through April 27th,” they say. The flyer promotes specific prayers for abortion for each day.
Editor: Wonder what they mean by saying "human life is holy." Certainly not the same as when we say human life is sacred. "Reproductive justice" is a new one.
I'm reminded of Isaiah 1:15, which says, "When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood."
Related: Dancing Sufis for abortion
This (bogus) effort by this California Planned Parenthood affiliate group, is sham and hypocrisy. Their prayers will not reach the Triune God.
ReplyDeleteI am reminded of Shakespeare's, "Hamlet." Hamlet's father was the king until his brother (Hamlet's uncle) murdered him to take over the Throne. Starkly reminded and haunted of his murderous sin, the king (Hamlet's uncle) rushed into his chamber and attempted to pray. As he looked up, he (pathetically and, correctly) exclaimed:
".....My words fly up, my thoughts remain below; words without thoughts, never to heaven go." Need it be said that the usurping king in Shakespeare's Hamlet could not legitimately offer true prayer because he had blood on his hands and did not repent of his treacherous actions, against God's Commandments and against his fellowman?
In short - this Planned Parenthood group is abusing the privilege of prayer, and increasing God's loathsome displeasure of them [Psalm 7:8-17 - especially verse, 11]
"Authentic and Counterfeit Prayer:"
Prayer - Prayer offered by "believers:"
Thanks for sharing those links! I especially like the reminder about Psalm 66:18 -- "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear."