Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today is Proudly Prolife Social Networking Day

All you prolife social networkers, join Right to Life of Michigan Wednesday, June 16, at 11 a.m. EDT for Proudly Prolife Social Networking Day. They'll be online spreading the message "I am proudly prolife" throughout Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, etc. The goal is to make a significant buzz on Wednesday, inspire other people to get more involved and encourage those in the middle or on the sidelines with the message that being prolife is, as Gallup put it, the "new normal."

How can you participate?

•Change your status messages and tweets to say "I am proudly prolife"

•Change your profile picture to a prolife message. Copy this profile picture.

•Promote a link to the "It's Easy To Be Prolife" web page for ideas on how to get involved

•Invite friends and family to connect with Right to Life of Michigan's social networking pages:,

•Comment in groups or start discussions on prolife issues

•Add links on your profile to a prolife news story, music video, YouTube video, local prolife pregnancy center website, picture, political cartoon, or other online content.


  1. This is fun! Thanks for passing it on.

  2. Yes, it has been fun. I wish I knew if we'd successfully created a "trend" on Twitter. It looks to me as though the World Cup is dominating conversation.
